Motivate your mind - Inspire your spirit

No high performing athlete would ever dream of replaying in their mind the time they’ve missed that hole, misjudged that serve or kicked that ball past the goal. Most would agree that by doing so, they’d be setting themselves up for failure.

Yet how many times do we, as human beings, self-destruct before that important interview, exam or key client meeting by doing just that. We run through our minds all the reasons why we won’t have our desired outcome prior to even getting there. And then we’re surprised with the end result.

It all starts in the mind

Build an expectation of greatness, and you will achieve great things!

I say that I create car parks. And by this I mean, when I drive somewhere, I expect to get a car park right outside the place I’m visiting. It works 99% of the time. And for the other one percent, I put it down to not thinking hard enough.

Think about waking up in the morning expecting to WIN! How would you walk? How confidently would you talk? How positive would you be? On the other hand, consider waking up full of doubt, with a fear of failure in the back of your mind. You would think yourself into a depressed state, both physically and mentally, before even reaching your destination.

I seldom mention the accident that nearly claimed my life, being pulled from the wreckage after the impact of my car hitting a power pole at 100km/h. I had fallen asleep at the wheel. The steering wheel smashed my face, the seat belt collapsed my lungs and the engine compressed my thigh bone into pieces. The amazing seven hour long surgery saved my life, but it was my positive thinking and actions that were what got me home in just nine days, instead of the three months that experts had predicted.

I don’t say I go to work... I go to FUN! 

Your positive thoughts and actions will attract successful outcomes. Believe, and you can achieve. Feel entitled. Have great expectations. Life is a journey, GO GET PACKED FOR SUCCESS and hold on tight.

The power of positive thinking is real, so go out and be the maker of your own destiny.

EPS – Let’s work better together.

EPS provides corporate counsel and professional advice to senior executives and their respective teams to set them up for real success. Get in touch today to see how we can help you. 

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